PayPal IPN Java AppEngine Servlet Gets an Update

It’s has been over 6 months since I last touched my PayPal GAE integration servlet. This means it’s becoming pretty stable. However it was time to upgrade some of the libraries. Read on for the details.

After my major refactoring in August last year, this update might seem minimal, but could break a few things, so be careful:

  • Again the AppEngine dependency was updated to the latest version.
  • Switch to Google’s own Maven plugin. It has finally reached a mature and well maintained state, so I’m switching all my GAE projects to it.
  • Upgrade to Vaadin 7. Because this is a breaking upgrade, I’ve changed the version to 0.0.2-SNAPSHOT.
  • Added two more transaction types: recurring_payment_suspended and recurring_payment_suspended_due_to_max_failed_payment. PayPal sends these to my application, however I can’t find any documentation on them (However, you can guess what they mean …)

To make my life easier, I’m no longer deploying to SonaType’s snapshot repositories. I just deploy them to my own private CloudBees repository. Let me know if this is important to you.