Flex With Spring BlazeDS Integration, Technologies to Watch Out For

In the arena for next generation Internet applications, a lot of players have been positioning themselves, but none has really got an edge. Not yet. Flex in combination with Spring’s BlazeDS integration is one contender you definitely shouldn’t ignore. Even if you are a Java programmer, it might be time to branch out into somewhat unknown territories (although you will recognize many constructs and patterns)

If you want to get started right away, check out this great introduction on DZone.

If you want to take your time, you might be surprised at the wealth of information that Adobe and others are making available (free) to developers:

  • the BlazeDS wiki at Adobe has downloads and documents that will explain BlazeDS
  • not everything about Flex is free, but there is so much available as open source you might not mind
  • if you know Java, you probably know Spring, so the integration with BlazeDS gives you a transparent connection between the Flex frontend and the Java backend

And if that still is not enough, try searching Google. The amount of information available is overwhelming.