Tweetcoding Demonstrates That 140 Characters is Enough for Every One

If you’re an ActionScript programmer and you haven’t checked up on #tweetcoding, you owe it to yourself to take the rest of the day off and look it up. #tweetcoding is an ActionScript coding competition, organised by Grant Skinner, where you have exactly 140 characters (a tweet) to program something interesting.

You might think that this is an impossible mission, however, before you do so, take a look at the entries. There’s some astonishing things possible in just 140 characters.

It reminds me of those 4kb intros that were (and still are) created in the demoscene. It’s astonishing what people can do when faced within such small boundaries.

For instance check out Elevated (but you really should download it and run it locally)

It has sound and high-res visuals for crying out loud. And all of that in less than the size of even the most beepy ringtone you can find. Incredible.